Adult Mermaid Swimming Lessons – Great Fitness

Hot off the press… Adult mermaid swimming is the new fitness craze which not only gives a fantastic workout but it is also great fun to do.
This excellent idea is the brainchild of Mermaid Wave Swim School who hold mermaid classes all around the country run by experienced mermaid swim instructors.
Mermaid Wave saw a gap in the market which linked exercise that stimulates you but primarily and most importantly is fun, a must if you want to keep to your goals of being a healthier and fitter person!
Studies show that most people know that exercising is very important but it can also be monotonous and boring and usually falls in the “will do later” list due to lack of time or unwillingness. It is however a very important fact that to enjoy the vitality of good health you must exercise.
With this in mind choosing an exercise class that is not only different but fun and very good for your body surely is the answer to all your workout problems.
It has been proven that if the mermaid classes are attended on a regular basis and healthy eating is implemented your body will start to become healthier and stronger and not only that your posture will also change due to the body positioning in the pool and core work. Your overall cardio will also improve over the weeks and you will notice a change in your posterior muscles….always a bonus!

The key to Mermaid swimming is being graceful in the water and performing slow movements making the swimming look effortless.

The tails restrict the swimmers leg movements giving the effect of no legs and as the fin is covered and the persons feet are hidden it gives the tail effect which in turn makes the swimmer use a flutter kick known as a Butterfly leg kick.
The motion of the butterfly kick is a very different process once you are a Mermaid. The costume gives you full support to complete the swimming style and the Magic Fin enables a greater speed, both together are the essence of mermaiding.
Swimming with a Magic Fin helps with your overall body position and improves your technique in the water by creating extra buoyancy as you swim. Fin swimming is a new way of learning swimming techniques and co-ordination whilst at the same time improving your overall fitness.

Celebrities have already dipped their toes into this fun craze including Geri Halliwell;Planet Mermaids very own celebrity ambassador, Myleen Klass and Britney Spears to name just a few.
Mermaid Wave provides all the kit so no added expense is needed, all you need to do is turn up, have fun and transform into a mermaid!

Given you an appetite to find out more? With centres all around the UK there is no excuse not to check us out.
Visit or call us on 01234 352488.
Remember it’s not just for adults children can have mermaid fun too!
See you in the pool!!!
Keep Mermaiding!